Sunday, January 23, 2011

The List Maker

So on our latest trip to our favorite little spot Avila Beach, Ca we took a drive to the bookstore to get something to read while sitting on the beach (and our room cause it did rain). I found this cool book/journal. It is like a guidebook designed with envelopes and binder to help you track what makes you happy and how you can keep track of your life lists. I have come to realize over the years that I work well with lists and it helps me visualize my goals a little better than to have them floating and dancing around my head. So instead of making resolutions this year I have a life list and soon to be life/timeline to go with it. I have already started my life lists and this blog is on that list! I am just figuring out how to actually post from my phone since it is attached to my body at all times, so I should be able to post more often and send more pictures!

Have fun list making!!

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