Saturday, February 26, 2011

Dreaming of an organized sewing room....

I finally cleaned my desk in the office. Now I must move it into my sewing room for my crafting space, and organize my piles of fabric. Excited to see the floor of this room! Stay posted....

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What I have been up to lately

Antique Pin Cushion found for my sewing room.
Antique Skeleton Key I used to turn into a necklace.

Here are some of my favorite finds from last week. My little girl is still getting over this fever, but I was able to sit next to her and do some beading. The pin cushion and the skeleton keys we found were awesome treasures, and the kids loved the antique mall. Both of the girls chose their key, and I picked up an extra one to make this necklace.

ArtFire Finalist

Please Vote!!! Artfire is a finalist in the 2011 Readers' Choice awards DIY Fashion finalists.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sewing Room Objects

Sewing room objects.
Sitting there...
Wishing someone would create something.
Wanting to be picked up,
pinned, threaded, and stitched.